14 December 2021

Cristalli nougat changes look

Cristalli nougat changes look but keeps its unique unmistakable taste.

The original nougat flakes are now available in a 140g glass jar by Bormioli.

The new packaging is part of the Dolcital 1924 Gourmet catalogue and it substitutes the 190g and 125g references previously available.

Perfect as gift idea for Christmas

Cristalli nougat in glass jar will be available only in specialized pastry shops and in our store, located in San Martino di Lupari.

Soft and friable at the same time, Cristalli nougat flakes are easy to eat everywhere: already cut in thin and crunchy slices, Cristalli are like sweet chips. One leads to another and once the nougat is finished, costumer has a second present.

The glass jar, in fact, can be reused in many ways: sugar bowl, cookie jar, small toys container, candles or anything else you’d like it to be.

The design of the jar is captivating thanks to the embossed effect. The hermetic closure permits to keep the nougat dry and crunchy, without melting

Limitless creativity

The paper tag that closes the jar hides another present: the exclusive recipe of the “Nougat Semifreddo Cake” of the Sgambaros family which is handed down from generation to generation and now you can try it at home.

Granpistacchio, 2021 new entry
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